Monday, August 17, 2009



To all our Kerrimuir families,

Working Bee Saturday 5th September 2009, 12noon –5pm

All welcome to attend our Working Bee for Term 3, our focus will be on all the gardens around the school, and our new Veggie Patch. Lots of trimming, weeding & tidying up of existing garden beds required to get them ready for Spring / Summer.

Please bring along shovels, wheelbarrows, pruning devices and any other gardening tools that will assist as we only have limited supply at the school.
Sausage Sizzle & Refreshments provided for all families that attend.

Any families that are unable to attend the Working Bee due to other commitments, our Environment Committee/KPS would appreciate a small donation of money, this will enable our continual improvement towards the Gardens & School Grounds to continue throughout the year & keeps costs to a minimum. Donations can be made at the office, or look out for the Enviro flyer with slip.

We look forward to seeing you there.

Kerrimuir Enviro News - week ending 21 August 2009

Hi All,

Welcome to this weeks Enviro News. We continue to strive towards our best possible Recycling Practices with the Rubbish Free Lunch Box at KPS.

Small buckets/Containers are still needed to capture our water under the drinking taps also.

Rain Rain come again... Great to have all that rain, our tanks are slowly but surely being filled & recycled again via the toilets - flushed away again, always remember to half flush everyone (if you can)!

KPS have organised to sell their Renewable Energy Certificates back to a Green Energy Trading Company and utilise the funds for further works around the school grounds. Our solar is generating 6kw of renewable energy. Always remember to save energy & flick off switches when not needed.

Wednesday Gardening continues each week, weeding, pruning, planting - something for everyone that would like to join in on, See Gavan at the office usually or speak to one of the friendly office staff and they can point you in the right direction.

Our Next working bee will be held on Saturday 5th September 2009 12-5pm - all welcome.

Keeping Green,
KPS Environment

Kerrimuir Enviro News Week Ending 14th August, 2009

We are all looking forward to our thriving vegetable patch. Along with our composting efforts we will start our own 'worm farm' - Another form of composting.

See attached article for further information on how you can build your very own worm farm and make a difference with all your food scraps.

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

KPS ENVIRO NEWS Week Ending 7th August 2009

Hi All,

Welcome to this weeks edition of our Enviro News. Lots of Biodiversity this term, Eden Grouios from Mr McLean's 5MC will be letting us know what has been happening around the school grounds, in the class & much more.

A note from Eden

"In Mr McLean's grade we have been working on the vegetable garden. This week our class is on the roster for gardening. the people on Monday are Angela,Jason,Laura,Maddie and with help of Rhys.

Tuesday people are Eden,bhavisha,Matt and help from Rhys. On Wednesday the people are Jag,Belinda and Becky and that's all i remember but they all did a fantastic job, well the ones who did work anyway. i think the best gardeners so far are Belinda and Becky they worked really hard cleaning the gutters and picking up rubbish. Also another good Gardener was bhavisha she worked hard all by her self. so well done to those people and well done to the others as well. In the vegetable garden we have been shoveling,digging and planting. We have planted the bay tree in the centre of the veggie patch. everyone helped plant it. We have also made the NO DIG GARDEN. It has 3 layers (bottom paper,middle hay, top dirt/soil.) It looks fantastic so far.Every Wednesday please if you would like go see one of the gardeners to help our school out. Also please try to have rubbish free lunch so we don't litter our school. I would like to say thank you to Mr. McLean,Gavin and especially my grade".

Eden 5/McLean