Wednesday, August 5, 2009

KPS ENVIRO NEWS Week Ending 7th August 2009

Hi All,

Welcome to this weeks edition of our Enviro News. Lots of Biodiversity this term, Eden Grouios from Mr McLean's 5MC will be letting us know what has been happening around the school grounds, in the class & much more.

A note from Eden

"In Mr McLean's grade we have been working on the vegetable garden. This week our class is on the roster for gardening. the people on Monday are Angela,Jason,Laura,Maddie and with help of Rhys.

Tuesday people are Eden,bhavisha,Matt and help from Rhys. On Wednesday the people are Jag,Belinda and Becky and that's all i remember but they all did a fantastic job, well the ones who did work anyway. i think the best gardeners so far are Belinda and Becky they worked really hard cleaning the gutters and picking up rubbish. Also another good Gardener was bhavisha she worked hard all by her self. so well done to those people and well done to the others as well. In the vegetable garden we have been shoveling,digging and planting. We have planted the bay tree in the centre of the veggie patch. everyone helped plant it. We have also made the NO DIG GARDEN. It has 3 layers (bottom paper,middle hay, top dirt/soil.) It looks fantastic so far.Every Wednesday please if you would like go see one of the gardeners to help our school out. Also please try to have rubbish free lunch so we don't litter our school. I would like to say thank you to Mr. McLean,Gavin and especially my grade".

Eden 5/McLean

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