Monday, July 27, 2009

KPS ENVIRO NEWS - Week Ending July 30th, 2009


From our one & only Gavan O'Neil who was @ KPS on Saturday 25th July along with Michael McLean, Tony Grouios, John Respini, Aaron & Ben from New Hope Church in Blackburn North & ofcourse Harry Respini.

"we had a great time at school - building and positioning the vegie beds today" says Gavan.

Shortly before we finished up, Michael , Mal and I agreed it would be ideal to have the member for Box Hill come along on Friday and plant a Bay Tree in the centre of the new patch. Photos attached for all to see all the great progress.

We have a fencing contractor coming this week to erect a fence around the Veggie Patch, Chook Shed will be incorporated together with a Storage Shed, Donated by Tony Grouios - a working bee will be organised around this.

Veggie Patch work - Stage 1

Our school is working very hard to become Sustainable, keep up the great work everyone!

Next Environment meeting is on Monday 10th August @ 6.30pm - hope to see you there.

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

KPS Enviro News - Week Ending 24 July 2009

Hi All,

Exciting News

After much discussion and planning, construction of the Kerrimuir School Vegetable Garden is starting this week.

The new garden will be established in an area of the playground with a northerly aspect next to the cricket nets. The garden will consist of raised ‘no dig’ beds and allowances have been made for the addition of composting bays, green house and a chicken coupe.

The raised beds will be a mix of both new and recycled materials which will combine corrugated iron and timber to form an aesthetically pleasing addition to the playground. A big thank you must be extended to G Store for the donation of a raised corrugated iron garden bed and also New Hope Church for the assistance in construction of the timber beds.

The school is currently working hard to establish itself as a sustainable school and the garden will form an integral part of Kerrimuir Primary Schools curriculum especially in the areas of sustainability and environmental studies.

Grade 5M Children are currently growing seedlings in various mediums (rocks/multch/cotton) to study their growth patterns.


Whitehorse City Council had some interesting facts about worm farms, they have established a worm enclosure at their offices in Nunawading for all their food scraps - this will divert 18.5 kg of waste from landfill each week - a whopping 962 kilograms a year. KPS hope to establish a worm farm of their own within our gardens - I refer to a worm farm as a 'no smell compost bin'. These worms will recycyle organic waste including the leftovers of our hungry children. Amazing results.


Rubbish Free Wednesday was a success, we hope parents & children continue their rubbish free journey each day.


Our Water Tanks are up & running, after last nights rain we hope they are nice and full ready to be used for our 'toilet flushing' Savings lots of lots of litres each day!



More news on the working bee to come!


All welcome to the next Environment Sub-convener meeting on Monday 10th August, 2009.

Keeping Green,
Ellen Grouios

Monday, July 13, 2009

KPS Enviro News - Term 3 - 17th July, 2009

Hi All,
Welcome back for Term 3. This is our first official Online Blog - paperless Enviro News.

Lots of works being done around the school, all looking fantastic.

Our Water Tanks have finally been installed, one near the toilet block at the Front of the school & one at the rear of the MPR to be used for the toilets in the After-care area/MPR - lots of savings!! Bring on the rain now!

Lots of planning with our Veggie Patch, A proposed working bee dedicated to the Veggie Patch will take place on Saturday 25th July, 2009, we would appreciate all people that can help with labouring/carpentry or a trade of some sort.

If you feel you can lend a hand we would love to hear from you - either call Tony on 0418582577 or see Mr Michael McLean @ KPS - grade 5MC.

We will keep you up to date with further initiatives.

Wednesday gardening is moving along nicely, thanks to all parents attending - we will focus on the middle school eating area, lots of pruning/cutting back & sweeping to be done. We usually meet at 11.30am each Wednesday.

Keep up the great work, great to see Rubbish free lunchboxes more & more.
Even taking your rubbish home helps! Please send any small buckets/containers with your child to school for our water saving initiatives at the taps.

Rug up now that its cold, keep your heaters on at 18 degrees, this saves lots of energy over the winter. I am looking forward to sharing further information about our Energy Savings with our Solar system when I know more.

Everyone may want to take up the Government Initiative of installing insulation in their homes if there home are pre-2004? Login to the Department of Environment for further information, everyone is elidgible for this, will help your home keep walmer in winter & cooler in Summer.