Monday, July 13, 2009

KPS Enviro News - Term 3 - 17th July, 2009

Hi All,
Welcome back for Term 3. This is our first official Online Blog - paperless Enviro News.

Lots of works being done around the school, all looking fantastic.

Our Water Tanks have finally been installed, one near the toilet block at the Front of the school & one at the rear of the MPR to be used for the toilets in the After-care area/MPR - lots of savings!! Bring on the rain now!

Lots of planning with our Veggie Patch, A proposed working bee dedicated to the Veggie Patch will take place on Saturday 25th July, 2009, we would appreciate all people that can help with labouring/carpentry or a trade of some sort.

If you feel you can lend a hand we would love to hear from you - either call Tony on 0418582577 or see Mr Michael McLean @ KPS - grade 5MC.

We will keep you up to date with further initiatives.

Wednesday gardening is moving along nicely, thanks to all parents attending - we will focus on the middle school eating area, lots of pruning/cutting back & sweeping to be done. We usually meet at 11.30am each Wednesday.

Keep up the great work, great to see Rubbish free lunchboxes more & more.
Even taking your rubbish home helps! Please send any small buckets/containers with your child to school for our water saving initiatives at the taps.

Rug up now that its cold, keep your heaters on at 18 degrees, this saves lots of energy over the winter. I am looking forward to sharing further information about our Energy Savings with our Solar system when I know more.

Everyone may want to take up the Government Initiative of installing insulation in their homes if there home are pre-2004? Login to the Department of Environment for further information, everyone is elidgible for this, will help your home keep walmer in winter & cooler in Summer.

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