Monday, July 27, 2009

KPS ENVIRO NEWS - Week Ending July 30th, 2009


From our one & only Gavan O'Neil who was @ KPS on Saturday 25th July along with Michael McLean, Tony Grouios, John Respini, Aaron & Ben from New Hope Church in Blackburn North & ofcourse Harry Respini.

"we had a great time at school - building and positioning the vegie beds today" says Gavan.

Shortly before we finished up, Michael , Mal and I agreed it would be ideal to have the member for Box Hill come along on Friday and plant a Bay Tree in the centre of the new patch. Photos attached for all to see all the great progress.

We have a fencing contractor coming this week to erect a fence around the Veggie Patch, Chook Shed will be incorporated together with a Storage Shed, Donated by Tony Grouios - a working bee will be organised around this.

Veggie Patch work - Stage 1

Our school is working very hard to become Sustainable, keep up the great work everyone!

Next Environment meeting is on Monday 10th August @ 6.30pm - hope to see you there.

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