Monday, June 1, 2009

KPS Enviro News Edition 14 June 4, 2009

KPS ENVIRO-NEWS Edition 14 – 3 June 09
SOLAR UP & RUNNING @ KERRIMUIR, How it all works - A Dummy’s guide to solar
A solar panel is made up of photovoltaic cells, usually 36 all told, varying in size depending upon the watt/amp rating of the panel. These cells are made from two very thin silicon wafers approximately 1 mm thick; one with a positive charge and the other negatively charged.

When exposed to the sun's rays, electron activity is generated which is captured by a grid of very fine finger-like electrical contacts distributed across the panel. This is then channeled through the junction box on the back of the panel and emerges as DC (direct current) electricity
Covering the silicon wafers is a layer of toughened glass, usually around 3mm thick. It has to be strong enough to withstand hail, extreme temperatures and a degree of flexing, but thin enough not to filter out or reflect appreciable amounts of light.

The back of the solar panel is made from Aluminium and the panel is set into an aluminium frame.

Once the juice (power) exits the panels, it travels along cabling to the Inverter, which in-turn feeds the Grid via the Smart Meter (Biodirectional Meter)we have created Electricity.
Makes it all sound relatively simple doesn't it? I'm still in awe that sun shining on silicon and a bit of wiring can generate electricity

KPS Gardens & Grounds
Thank you for all the donations of natives for our ‘Six Seasons’ plantings on Wednesday, Many thanks to parents (Gavan, Mel, Rachel), teachers & students who all participated & supported this project, we are glad to have this in line with supporting World Environment Day which is on Friday 5th June, 2009, we are all planting natives.

We can all do our part to protect the planet by using less and acting more. Going green is not as difficult as you might think. So many easy ways to green your daily routine, from the moment you hit snooze on your solar-powered alarm clock to the point when you crawl into your eco-washed, organic cotton sheets, rubbish free lunch-boxes for your children!
Thanks to Julia for continuing her great project on the Toilet Wall, and to all families who support all our initiatives.

Support World Environment Day on Friday 5th June 2009- plant a tree @ home! Visit


Our Yellow top recycling bins are over-flowing – KPS are producing far too much waste (especially paper) We need to look at ways of reducing our paper usage as a whole in the school & re-using as much as we can.
As an advocate of this initiative Environment Committee has decided to only publish the Enviro News onto our Blog which is on the KPS website – this will commence in Term 3.
We will continue with paper for this term only, please log on & read all our updates, let us know all about your Recycling, Energy & Water news, get your children to write up a small article. We would love to know how everyone is contributing & making a difference.

Call or email with ideas & if you would like to help - Ellen – 0417700045 /

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