Monday, June 22, 2009

KPS ENVIRO-NEWS Edition 17– 25 June 09

KPS ENVIRO-NEWS Edition 17– 25 June 09

Hi All,

Keep up the great work everyone, good to see our Compost Bins nice & full ready for our vegetable gardens – more to follow in Term 3.

Mr McLean’s class a busily designing KPS’s Vegetable Garden layout, our proposed site location for our Chooks and many more interesting areas that will foster sustainable learning at Kerrmuir.

Michael McLean is currently sourcing quotes on fencing and many other items required, if you have any contacts within this industry we would love to hear from you.

Water tank installation is well underway & hopefully out of the car park by now…We want to thank all the Plumbers working at the school & Dion at G Store for all his time and expertise.
A big thank you to G-Store for their Donation to KPS – we have a large aboveground Steel Planter Box measuring 1m high x 2.4 wide – which will be used in our New Veggie Patch area.

KPS Gardens & Grounds
Thank you to all parents & students who have offered their time and been enthusiastic about our Gardens & little painting project over this term, without you this could not have been achieved – Many thanks.
Painting of the Toilet wall is almost complete, Julia Weston has done a brilliant job on bringing a fresh, fun colorful aspect to one of our main entries at school.
Julia had some of the kids in 2A help with the flowers, they did a fantastic job, thank you to Georgia Papamicheal, Maya Weston,Airi Weston, Jade Bardwell and Jordy Macdonald, Great job kids!

Planting & Edging should be complete this week also. Spraying of weeds will be finalized on the school holidays, Green Thumbs were planning to meet on Thursday 2 July @ 10.30am for some light gardening – weather pending. We look forward to starting work in the middle school gardens – Eating area.

Environment Sub-Convener Meeting
Our next meeting will be Monday 13th July at 6.30pm in the staff room, all welcome.

KPS has had their solar up & running for almost 4 weeks now, we should be able to assess how much energy has been consumed & fed to the grid on our next Electricity Bill.

Over the school holidays our Solar will be feeding the grid quite rapidly as there will not be as much power being used – this is a great saving on our power bill & our Environment footprint!

Enviro News Online
This is our last paper copy of the Enviro News, we are wanting to set the example of going paperless and moving to an Electronic Newsletter, Enviro News will be available on the Kerrimuir Website, under the sustainability Tab.

We hope to be able to have an E-Newsletter for all our communications and continue to Save Resources and use less paper.

If you would be interested in receiving an Electronic Newsletter via email or link, and no longer receiving a paper format, please register your interest below. This is only a registration process to gauge the interest level of parents/carers – subject to authorization by Principal & school council.

Registration for KPS E-Newsletter – (save Energy – save Resources)
Childs Class/Teacher ________________________________________________________________

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