Monday, June 8, 2009

KPS ENVIRO-NEWS Edition 15 – 11 June 09

Hi All,

I hope you all enjoyed your long-weekend, The cold spell is fast approaching & this rain has been wonderful for our gardens & water tanks.

If you have a few spare buckets/ recycled containers please send them along with your child so they can keep collecting water from the drinking bays & tap areas for the gardens. This is a great idea at home too, it is amazing how much water is wasted when washing your hands!
Our Water tanks are almost ready for installation, keep a look out for them in the caged area near the toilets.

Please endeavour to send your children to school with a rubbish free lunch box (No plastic / paper) There are a great range of containers at most supermarkets these days – think of the savings $$$

Elaine Eastwood from our own KPS Offices told us briefly about her Recycling efforts in our own KPS office,
“ We use Lanier to recycle all Printer Cartridges, We recycle all paper into paper recycling basket & we re-use Manilla folders & binders”
We would love to hear all your RECYCLING, ENERGY, WATER Stories – the KPS Sustainability Blog is open for everyone to join in.

KPS Gardens & Grounds
Thanks to all parents continuing their support / green thumbs around the school on Wednesdays. Thank you to John Respini (Olivia 3v) for the donation of Volcanic Rocks for our Gardens – one of their neighbors in Garden Street offered them to KPS, they will make a great addition to the garden beds and give our mini-beasts a home!
Junior School council and all other students helping around the gardens are doing a wonderful job – keep up the great work. KPS teachers/students are working together each week around the gardens, each Friday Enviro awards are handed out to students – well done to all who have received awards.


At TRUenergy, they are offering Victorians energy efficient light globes and water saving shower heads for your home at no cost. And it's so easy. Just arrange a time and they will send a TRUenergy representative to assess your home's fixtures, and if they can be upgraded, they will install at no cost: If you are not a TRUenergy customer you can join up online or by calling…

YOU CAN SAVE - Up to $2102 on the cost of the globes, shower head and installation
Up to $1303 in savings on your energy bills over the first 12 months and each year after that That's a combined saving of up to $3401 in the first year alone.

Make an appointment today!

So be quick and make an appointment time that suits you.
Log on

If you have any further questions about this complimentary light globe swap, simply call 1300 967 800 and we’ll be happy to help

Call or email with ideas & if you would like to help at KPS - all parents, carers welcome Ellen – 0417700045 /

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