Wednesday, October 14, 2009

KPS ENVIRO NEWS - Working Bee Term 4 - Sat 7 Nov 09


To all our Kerrimuir families,

Working Bee Saturday 7th November 2009, 12noon –5pm

All welcome to attend our first Working Bee for Term 4, our focus will be on all the gardens around the school, and our new Veggie Patch. Lots of trimming, weeding & tidying up of existing garden beds required to get them ready for Summer months also some planting and mulching around prep playround. Hope to see you all there for a great afternoon.

Please bring along shovels, wheelbarrows, pruning devices, weeding trowels and any other gardening tools that will assist as we only have limited supply at the school.
Sausage Sizzle & Refreshments provided for all families that attend.

Any families that are unable to attend the Working Bee due to other commitments, our school would appreciate a donation, the money raised from these donations will assist in the purchase/planting of natives along the prep playground area.

Monday, September 7, 2009

KPS ENVIRO NEWS - Sep 11, 2009

THANK YOU to all our families…

To all the hard workers around the school on Saturday, whether you were weeding, sweeping, digging or cooking up the snags – a very big thank you to all & overall many thanks for supporting our school. Everyone was buzzing around and it was great to see such a large turn-out. I hope I have not missed anyone (apologies in advance),

Please ensure you fill in your name on the sheet provided so we can record who attends next time. We will keep you updated on another fun-filled afternoon around the school.
Thanks to the following who recorded their names;

Paul Furey Julia Buchannan
Kate MacDonald & Andrew Harris Juan Liang
Susan Zhong Eric & Cleo Tam
Tann Long Vang Yi CDhen
Elsa & Bethany Leung Shelley & Sean Cutter
Gaven O’Neill & Belinda Shears Zhanqihng Chen
Toni & Family Travis & Amy
Rachel & Brett Simpson Roger Heeps
John Respini & Mel Pridmore Rebecca Haig
Gary Howell All families who donated money towards Environment

Hope to see you next time – Ellen & Tony Grouios (Eden 5m / Tyla 3v)


Our children will be working hard in the vegetable patch this term & next term, please dig deep & buy a punnet of vegetable Seedlings to donate – these are available at Maxi, Bunnings or your local nursery, bring along to your classroom and we will organise these to be planted through Michael McLean & Grade 5Mc – all your support is appreciated.

Wednesday, September 2, 2009


Hi All,
Below we have a number of photos that clearly show all students from Grade 5Mc enthusiastically working on their garden beds, worm farms & veggie patch preparation!

Well done to Mr McLean & all the students.

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

KPS ENVIRO NEWS Week Ending 4 Sep 09


Well done to all students & teachers involved in the KPS Veggie Garden, all has come together beautifully, NOW, the focus being on planting of seedlings.

Saturday September 5 working bee will focus on cleaning up of the veggie patch area, weeding, tidy up & a general clean up around the whole school grounds in preparation for Spring and all the beautiful wealther.

*** An update from Mr McLean of Grade 5mc ***

Mr Mclean says "All is proceeding as planned with the veggie garden with the last of the garden beds being prepared this week.

Thanks to a wonderful donation of a trailer load of horse manure by Sue from Yarra Valley Toyota we have been able to follow the ‘no dig garden’ style of bed construction.

The beds now contain newspapers and cardboard as the first layer, then straw, then loose fill, then more straw, followed by manure and finally better quality garden soil, Now time for planting of seedlings "


If all families could dig deep & would like to donate a punnet of vegetable seedlings to the garden we would greatly appreciate it.

We are going to plant:

Spring onions
Sun flowers

Monday, August 17, 2009



To all our Kerrimuir families,

Working Bee Saturday 5th September 2009, 12noon –5pm

All welcome to attend our Working Bee for Term 3, our focus will be on all the gardens around the school, and our new Veggie Patch. Lots of trimming, weeding & tidying up of existing garden beds required to get them ready for Spring / Summer.

Please bring along shovels, wheelbarrows, pruning devices and any other gardening tools that will assist as we only have limited supply at the school.
Sausage Sizzle & Refreshments provided for all families that attend.

Any families that are unable to attend the Working Bee due to other commitments, our Environment Committee/KPS would appreciate a small donation of money, this will enable our continual improvement towards the Gardens & School Grounds to continue throughout the year & keeps costs to a minimum. Donations can be made at the office, or look out for the Enviro flyer with slip.

We look forward to seeing you there.

Kerrimuir Enviro News - week ending 21 August 2009

Hi All,

Welcome to this weeks Enviro News. We continue to strive towards our best possible Recycling Practices with the Rubbish Free Lunch Box at KPS.

Small buckets/Containers are still needed to capture our water under the drinking taps also.

Rain Rain come again... Great to have all that rain, our tanks are slowly but surely being filled & recycled again via the toilets - flushed away again, always remember to half flush everyone (if you can)!

KPS have organised to sell their Renewable Energy Certificates back to a Green Energy Trading Company and utilise the funds for further works around the school grounds. Our solar is generating 6kw of renewable energy. Always remember to save energy & flick off switches when not needed.

Wednesday Gardening continues each week, weeding, pruning, planting - something for everyone that would like to join in on, See Gavan at the office usually or speak to one of the friendly office staff and they can point you in the right direction.

Our Next working bee will be held on Saturday 5th September 2009 12-5pm - all welcome.

Keeping Green,
KPS Environment

Kerrimuir Enviro News Week Ending 14th August, 2009

We are all looking forward to our thriving vegetable patch. Along with our composting efforts we will start our own 'worm farm' - Another form of composting.

See attached article for further information on how you can build your very own worm farm and make a difference with all your food scraps.

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

KPS ENVIRO NEWS Week Ending 7th August 2009

Hi All,

Welcome to this weeks edition of our Enviro News. Lots of Biodiversity this term, Eden Grouios from Mr McLean's 5MC will be letting us know what has been happening around the school grounds, in the class & much more.

A note from Eden

"In Mr McLean's grade we have been working on the vegetable garden. This week our class is on the roster for gardening. the people on Monday are Angela,Jason,Laura,Maddie and with help of Rhys.

Tuesday people are Eden,bhavisha,Matt and help from Rhys. On Wednesday the people are Jag,Belinda and Becky and that's all i remember but they all did a fantastic job, well the ones who did work anyway. i think the best gardeners so far are Belinda and Becky they worked really hard cleaning the gutters and picking up rubbish. Also another good Gardener was bhavisha she worked hard all by her self. so well done to those people and well done to the others as well. In the vegetable garden we have been shoveling,digging and planting. We have planted the bay tree in the centre of the veggie patch. everyone helped plant it. We have also made the NO DIG GARDEN. It has 3 layers (bottom paper,middle hay, top dirt/soil.) It looks fantastic so far.Every Wednesday please if you would like go see one of the gardeners to help our school out. Also please try to have rubbish free lunch so we don't litter our school. I would like to say thank you to Mr. McLean,Gavin and especially my grade".

Eden 5/McLean

Monday, July 27, 2009

KPS ENVIRO NEWS - Week Ending July 30th, 2009


From our one & only Gavan O'Neil who was @ KPS on Saturday 25th July along with Michael McLean, Tony Grouios, John Respini, Aaron & Ben from New Hope Church in Blackburn North & ofcourse Harry Respini.

"we had a great time at school - building and positioning the vegie beds today" says Gavan.

Shortly before we finished up, Michael , Mal and I agreed it would be ideal to have the member for Box Hill come along on Friday and plant a Bay Tree in the centre of the new patch. Photos attached for all to see all the great progress.

We have a fencing contractor coming this week to erect a fence around the Veggie Patch, Chook Shed will be incorporated together with a Storage Shed, Donated by Tony Grouios - a working bee will be organised around this.

Veggie Patch work - Stage 1

Our school is working very hard to become Sustainable, keep up the great work everyone!

Next Environment meeting is on Monday 10th August @ 6.30pm - hope to see you there.

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

KPS Enviro News - Week Ending 24 July 2009

Hi All,

Exciting News

After much discussion and planning, construction of the Kerrimuir School Vegetable Garden is starting this week.

The new garden will be established in an area of the playground with a northerly aspect next to the cricket nets. The garden will consist of raised ‘no dig’ beds and allowances have been made for the addition of composting bays, green house and a chicken coupe.

The raised beds will be a mix of both new and recycled materials which will combine corrugated iron and timber to form an aesthetically pleasing addition to the playground. A big thank you must be extended to G Store for the donation of a raised corrugated iron garden bed and also New Hope Church for the assistance in construction of the timber beds.

The school is currently working hard to establish itself as a sustainable school and the garden will form an integral part of Kerrimuir Primary Schools curriculum especially in the areas of sustainability and environmental studies.

Grade 5M Children are currently growing seedlings in various mediums (rocks/multch/cotton) to study their growth patterns.


Whitehorse City Council had some interesting facts about worm farms, they have established a worm enclosure at their offices in Nunawading for all their food scraps - this will divert 18.5 kg of waste from landfill each week - a whopping 962 kilograms a year. KPS hope to establish a worm farm of their own within our gardens - I refer to a worm farm as a 'no smell compost bin'. These worms will recycyle organic waste including the leftovers of our hungry children. Amazing results.


Rubbish Free Wednesday was a success, we hope parents & children continue their rubbish free journey each day.


Our Water Tanks are up & running, after last nights rain we hope they are nice and full ready to be used for our 'toilet flushing' Savings lots of lots of litres each day!



More news on the working bee to come!


All welcome to the next Environment Sub-convener meeting on Monday 10th August, 2009.

Keeping Green,
Ellen Grouios

Monday, July 13, 2009

KPS Enviro News - Term 3 - 17th July, 2009

Hi All,
Welcome back for Term 3. This is our first official Online Blog - paperless Enviro News.

Lots of works being done around the school, all looking fantastic.

Our Water Tanks have finally been installed, one near the toilet block at the Front of the school & one at the rear of the MPR to be used for the toilets in the After-care area/MPR - lots of savings!! Bring on the rain now!

Lots of planning with our Veggie Patch, A proposed working bee dedicated to the Veggie Patch will take place on Saturday 25th July, 2009, we would appreciate all people that can help with labouring/carpentry or a trade of some sort.

If you feel you can lend a hand we would love to hear from you - either call Tony on 0418582577 or see Mr Michael McLean @ KPS - grade 5MC.

We will keep you up to date with further initiatives.

Wednesday gardening is moving along nicely, thanks to all parents attending - we will focus on the middle school eating area, lots of pruning/cutting back & sweeping to be done. We usually meet at 11.30am each Wednesday.

Keep up the great work, great to see Rubbish free lunchboxes more & more.
Even taking your rubbish home helps! Please send any small buckets/containers with your child to school for our water saving initiatives at the taps.

Rug up now that its cold, keep your heaters on at 18 degrees, this saves lots of energy over the winter. I am looking forward to sharing further information about our Energy Savings with our Solar system when I know more.

Everyone may want to take up the Government Initiative of installing insulation in their homes if there home are pre-2004? Login to the Department of Environment for further information, everyone is elidgible for this, will help your home keep walmer in winter & cooler in Summer.

Monday, June 22, 2009

KPS ENVIRO-NEWS Edition 17– 25 June 09

KPS ENVIRO-NEWS Edition 17– 25 June 09

Hi All,

Keep up the great work everyone, good to see our Compost Bins nice & full ready for our vegetable gardens – more to follow in Term 3.

Mr McLean’s class a busily designing KPS’s Vegetable Garden layout, our proposed site location for our Chooks and many more interesting areas that will foster sustainable learning at Kerrmuir.

Michael McLean is currently sourcing quotes on fencing and many other items required, if you have any contacts within this industry we would love to hear from you.

Water tank installation is well underway & hopefully out of the car park by now…We want to thank all the Plumbers working at the school & Dion at G Store for all his time and expertise.
A big thank you to G-Store for their Donation to KPS – we have a large aboveground Steel Planter Box measuring 1m high x 2.4 wide – which will be used in our New Veggie Patch area.

KPS Gardens & Grounds
Thank you to all parents & students who have offered their time and been enthusiastic about our Gardens & little painting project over this term, without you this could not have been achieved – Many thanks.
Painting of the Toilet wall is almost complete, Julia Weston has done a brilliant job on bringing a fresh, fun colorful aspect to one of our main entries at school.
Julia had some of the kids in 2A help with the flowers, they did a fantastic job, thank you to Georgia Papamicheal, Maya Weston,Airi Weston, Jade Bardwell and Jordy Macdonald, Great job kids!

Planting & Edging should be complete this week also. Spraying of weeds will be finalized on the school holidays, Green Thumbs were planning to meet on Thursday 2 July @ 10.30am for some light gardening – weather pending. We look forward to starting work in the middle school gardens – Eating area.

Environment Sub-Convener Meeting
Our next meeting will be Monday 13th July at 6.30pm in the staff room, all welcome.

KPS has had their solar up & running for almost 4 weeks now, we should be able to assess how much energy has been consumed & fed to the grid on our next Electricity Bill.

Over the school holidays our Solar will be feeding the grid quite rapidly as there will not be as much power being used – this is a great saving on our power bill & our Environment footprint!

Enviro News Online
This is our last paper copy of the Enviro News, we are wanting to set the example of going paperless and moving to an Electronic Newsletter, Enviro News will be available on the Kerrimuir Website, under the sustainability Tab.

We hope to be able to have an E-Newsletter for all our communications and continue to Save Resources and use less paper.

If you would be interested in receiving an Electronic Newsletter via email or link, and no longer receiving a paper format, please register your interest below. This is only a registration process to gauge the interest level of parents/carers – subject to authorization by Principal & school council.

Registration for KPS E-Newsletter – (save Energy – save Resources)
Childs Class/Teacher ________________________________________________________________

Monday, June 15, 2009

KPS ENVIRO-NEWS Edition 16– 18 June 09

Hi All,


KPS will have their new Steel water tanks installed this week, look out for them in the Caged Area near the library/Junior School Building. Diagram below shows us how it all works – all we need is rain
Why Steel?

Strength of steel
Steel tanks do not bulge or stretch when full. The strength of steel means the tanks comfortably hold the large forces generated by tonnes of water. Steel tanks have been around for more than 100 years so the structural long life is a proven fact. In addition this strength will not deteriorate over time under the harsh Australian sun as with other materials.

Longer life
In the early days steel tanks where just plain galvanised steel and after many years could begin to rust from the inside. This is a thing of the past with modern tank steel which has a long life polymer coating. This polymer coating is on the inside of the tank walls and on both sides of the base (inside and out). The water never touches the steel and now the tanks carry a 20 year warranty against corrosion! The strength of steel and the longevity of polymer of both worlds.
These tanks are also Fully Recyclable with a low environmental foot-print compared with other tank materials used.

The Rainbank – how it all works..

All our Recycling Bins, General Waste & Garden Organics Bins will be moved to the Caged Bin Area behind the canteen in the car-park. There will be clear access for bins to be brought out each day.
Keep up your ‘rubbish free’ lunch boxes!

KPS Gardens & Grounds
Thank you to all parents & students who are always helping with works around the school, Wednesdays have been a little wet & cold which has kept us away, all back in full force now to finish the garden in front of the Toilets.

All welcome to the next Environment Meeting on 13th July 2009 @ 6.30pm – staff room.

Monday, June 8, 2009

KPS ENVIRO-NEWS Edition 15 – 11 June 09

Hi All,

I hope you all enjoyed your long-weekend, The cold spell is fast approaching & this rain has been wonderful for our gardens & water tanks.

If you have a few spare buckets/ recycled containers please send them along with your child so they can keep collecting water from the drinking bays & tap areas for the gardens. This is a great idea at home too, it is amazing how much water is wasted when washing your hands!
Our Water tanks are almost ready for installation, keep a look out for them in the caged area near the toilets.

Please endeavour to send your children to school with a rubbish free lunch box (No plastic / paper) There are a great range of containers at most supermarkets these days – think of the savings $$$

Elaine Eastwood from our own KPS Offices told us briefly about her Recycling efforts in our own KPS office,
“ We use Lanier to recycle all Printer Cartridges, We recycle all paper into paper recycling basket & we re-use Manilla folders & binders”
We would love to hear all your RECYCLING, ENERGY, WATER Stories – the KPS Sustainability Blog is open for everyone to join in.

KPS Gardens & Grounds
Thanks to all parents continuing their support / green thumbs around the school on Wednesdays. Thank you to John Respini (Olivia 3v) for the donation of Volcanic Rocks for our Gardens – one of their neighbors in Garden Street offered them to KPS, they will make a great addition to the garden beds and give our mini-beasts a home!
Junior School council and all other students helping around the gardens are doing a wonderful job – keep up the great work. KPS teachers/students are working together each week around the gardens, each Friday Enviro awards are handed out to students – well done to all who have received awards.


At TRUenergy, they are offering Victorians energy efficient light globes and water saving shower heads for your home at no cost. And it's so easy. Just arrange a time and they will send a TRUenergy representative to assess your home's fixtures, and if they can be upgraded, they will install at no cost: If you are not a TRUenergy customer you can join up online or by calling…

YOU CAN SAVE - Up to $2102 on the cost of the globes, shower head and installation
Up to $1303 in savings on your energy bills over the first 12 months and each year after that That's a combined saving of up to $3401 in the first year alone.

Make an appointment today!

So be quick and make an appointment time that suits you.
Log on

If you have any further questions about this complimentary light globe swap, simply call 1300 967 800 and we’ll be happy to help

Call or email with ideas & if you would like to help at KPS - all parents, carers welcome Ellen – 0417700045 /

Monday, June 1, 2009

KPS Enviro News Edition 14 June 4, 2009

KPS ENVIRO-NEWS Edition 14 – 3 June 09
SOLAR UP & RUNNING @ KERRIMUIR, How it all works - A Dummy’s guide to solar
A solar panel is made up of photovoltaic cells, usually 36 all told, varying in size depending upon the watt/amp rating of the panel. These cells are made from two very thin silicon wafers approximately 1 mm thick; one with a positive charge and the other negatively charged.

When exposed to the sun's rays, electron activity is generated which is captured by a grid of very fine finger-like electrical contacts distributed across the panel. This is then channeled through the junction box on the back of the panel and emerges as DC (direct current) electricity
Covering the silicon wafers is a layer of toughened glass, usually around 3mm thick. It has to be strong enough to withstand hail, extreme temperatures and a degree of flexing, but thin enough not to filter out or reflect appreciable amounts of light.

The back of the solar panel is made from Aluminium and the panel is set into an aluminium frame.

Once the juice (power) exits the panels, it travels along cabling to the Inverter, which in-turn feeds the Grid via the Smart Meter (Biodirectional Meter)we have created Electricity.
Makes it all sound relatively simple doesn't it? I'm still in awe that sun shining on silicon and a bit of wiring can generate electricity

KPS Gardens & Grounds
Thank you for all the donations of natives for our ‘Six Seasons’ plantings on Wednesday, Many thanks to parents (Gavan, Mel, Rachel), teachers & students who all participated & supported this project, we are glad to have this in line with supporting World Environment Day which is on Friday 5th June, 2009, we are all planting natives.

We can all do our part to protect the planet by using less and acting more. Going green is not as difficult as you might think. So many easy ways to green your daily routine, from the moment you hit snooze on your solar-powered alarm clock to the point when you crawl into your eco-washed, organic cotton sheets, rubbish free lunch-boxes for your children!
Thanks to Julia for continuing her great project on the Toilet Wall, and to all families who support all our initiatives.

Support World Environment Day on Friday 5th June 2009- plant a tree @ home! Visit


Our Yellow top recycling bins are over-flowing – KPS are producing far too much waste (especially paper) We need to look at ways of reducing our paper usage as a whole in the school & re-using as much as we can.
As an advocate of this initiative Environment Committee has decided to only publish the Enviro News onto our Blog which is on the KPS website – this will commence in Term 3.
We will continue with paper for this term only, please log on & read all our updates, let us know all about your Recycling, Energy & Water news, get your children to write up a small article. We would love to know how everyone is contributing & making a difference.

Call or email with ideas & if you would like to help - Ellen – 0417700045 /

KPS Enviro News Edition 13, May28, 2009

KPS ENVIRO-NEWS Edition 13 - 28 May09


Hi All,
Thanks to those who have brought along natives to fill our gardens up, we appreciate it…
All those who haven’t & still want to, please visit your local Nursery, Bunnings or Greenlink (open Tuesday mornings 9-12am) only.
These will be our final plantings around this area, they are low growing plants flowering in these seasons.

Please bring your plants along to your classroom teacher, a day of planting will be organized soon after. We hope all families can bring a plant along with their child.

Preps – Early Spring
Small Leaf Clematis & Yam Daisy & Running Postman

Grade 1 & Grade 2 – True Spring
Chocolate Lily & Sticky Everlasting & Yellow Buttons

Grade 3 – High Summer
Kangaroo Grass & Bluebells

Grade 4 – Late Summer
Violets & Scaly Buttons

Grade 5 – Early Winter Grade 6 – Deep Winter
1. Ruby Saltbush Kidney Weed & Smooth Flax Lily

Our BHP Steel Tanks are currently being made by TankMaster – they are approximately 3 weeks away. Bob our Green Plumber will be commencing preparation works near the toilets – for those of you who don’t know, the old bin area will become our Water Tank Location – we then need to wish, hope & pray for lots of rain.

David in IT has kindly organized the Sustainability Link on Kerrimuir’s website - please take a look, I am also loading Enviro News through a Blog onto our website also – would love to hear from everyone.

JEMENA will be installing a Smart Meter today (Thursday 27 May) at Kerrimuir which technically means our solar power is up & running feeding the grid – we will be able to monitor all these energy savings, watch this in real-time on our website & measure it with special gadgets, more to come soon.

Thanks to all who are recycling in the Paper/Cardboard bins, Garden Organic Bins have been a great help with our Green thumbs gardening & our composting is over-flowing! We hope to introduce worm farms to cater for all these fruit scraps and keep the compost as healthy as possible.


WEDNESDAY GREEN THUMBS – turned painters???
Thanks again to all parents each week who continually support the school, you all know who you are!

A BIG THANKS to Mel Pridmore (Olivia 3V) & Racheal Simpson (Holly & Jamie) who painted effortlessly on Wednesday with me & Friday to prepare the walls for Julia Weston’s masterpiece – keep a look out everyone, this will be a fresh, colourful new look for the school & come along to join us around the grounds, there is plenty to do – would love to see more parents there.


Wednesday, May 20, 2009

KPS ENVIRO-NEWS - Edition 12 - Week Ending 22 May09

Completion of Six Seasons Garden

All Children are invited to bring along a native from the list below to plant in the six seasons garden area – these plants are indigenous to our area and available at our local Greenlink Nursery which is open this Saturday 23rd May 2009 at 41 Wimmera Street, Box Hill North 3129. All parents who have kindly asked what type of plants to bring, the list has arrived from Mary-Lin & Lorraine @ Greenlink.

These will be our final plantings around this area, they are low growing plants flowering in these seasons.

Please bring your plants along to your classroom teacher, a day of planting will be organized soon after. We hope all families can bring a plant along with their child.

Preps – Early Spring
Small Leaf Clematis & Yam Daisy & Running Postman

Grade 1 & Grade 2 – True Spring
Chocolate Lily & Sticky Everlasting & Yellow Buttons

Grade 3 – High Summer
Kangaroo Grass & Bluebells

Grade 4 – Late Summer
Violets & Scaly Buttons

Grade 5 – Early Winter Grade 6 – Deep Winter
Ruby Saltbush Kidney Weed & Smooth Flax Lily


YVW has provided us with great water slogans ‘SAVING A LITTLE SAVES A LOT’ for our wet areas, ‘HALF FLUSH’ STICKERS – these were placed around the school and in our toilets to remind us all to continually save where we can.
Our water tanks will be installed in June – they are being made at present, we will have x 2 Steel Tanks – in Eucalypt Green color scheme which will collect water & be used to flush all our toilets.

David & Donna Vittorio will be organizing the Sustainability Link on our KPS Website, we will be able to log on & see all our Energy savings – more to follow.

Whitehorse City Council will be dropping off the Environment Garden Waste bins to us this week which will be used for all our clippings/weeds/tree cutting. They will collect these every second fortnight.
Keep Up the Great Recycling everyone & remember those Rubbish Free lunchboxes!

Thanks to all those supportive parents that continually show up on Wednesdays to lend a hand. It has certainly made a difference to the Molbray St Gardens! Our next project is the toilet block, we will be painting these walls in the lovely neutral stone colour & Julia Weston has offered her time & creative flair to add some color & interest to these walls – keep a look out everyone! We will then work on the garden edge with the Bluestone we have been given – always great to recycle materials where we can & planting of natives in this garden bed. All parents available to paint, plant or support, please come along.

A new layer of Granetic sand will also be spread across the front garden / seating area of Molbray St also.

Our old urinal was sold to a gentleman in Camberwell who will be turning into feeding trophs for his cattle on his farm (RECYCLING) – he will be collecting this weekend! The money made from this will pay for our paint required to complete the Toilet block project.

Call or email with ideas & if you would like to help - Ellen – 0417700045 /

Monday, May 18, 2009

Enviro News Edition 11 Week Ending 15th May, 2009

KPS ENVIRO-NEWS Edition 11 - 15 May09


To our handful of Kerrimuir families & teachers (Paul Furey) that attended the working bee on Saturday afternoon, we are grateful for all your contributions, hard work and time. Without you, all the works could not have been completed many thanks again!
Our new bin area is completed behind the canteen & our six seasons garden has another compacted layer of Topping. Some seating was relocated to the six seasons garden for the students to utilize. Unfortunately due to inclement weather the painting of the seats has been rescheduled.

Lots of sweeping, weeding & planting & cutting back of old trees around the grounds was also completed. Our focus is to replant lower line trees that are native.
Amy was busily painting in the MPR our stage backdrop – this is looking amazing & refreshed - thank you!
If you are able to offer your time painting around the school – we would appreciate your help, please contact us, we have chairs & walls to be completed, brushes/rollers & paint will be supplied.

Junior School Council have started a new initiative during recess & lunch - thank you to all students involved
- Sweeping of leaves, Watering of plants & Yard Duty (all students are welcome to assist them, we would love to see you all out there keeping Kerrimuir beautiful)

Buckets/Ice cream containers wanted please….
Our water saving initiatives in our troughs/water taps is working brilliantly – all children are eagerly watering plants throughout the week – please send small buckets / ice-cream containers with your child to school for our water collections to continue in all drinking tap areas.
Our water tanks will be located in the caged area near the library – this has finally been decided as the most effective area to utilize our water savings in our toilets.

Our solar panels are energizing daily, our parents/students will be able to logon to our website & see all our savings & usage with our Power very soon. We are working on a Sustainability link for our website – look out for this.
Our Power Distribution Company JEMENA are going to change our meters over shortly – smart meters are required when solar is installed – this will then enable the solar system to feed the grid & give KPS credits on their Energy bill.

Thanks to everyone actively recycling & composting in the classrooms & around the school – remember to put your rubbish in the right bin or bring a rubbish free lunch box – great containers available from Safeway/Coles/Officeworks – one initial cost - lots of savings when you don’t use bags/plastic & NO RUBBISH.
Our Green bins are also on their way too – for all weeds & gardening waste each Wednesday. More mulching this week, weeding & edging – garden along toilet wall is our next project – we need your help – all welcome.

Call or email with ideas & if you would like to help - Ellen – 0417700045 /

Thursday, May 14, 2009

KPS Environews will be commencing shortly!!

Stay posted for exciting news and updates regarding Kerrimuir's sustainability.